What is a degree about?
Its not about learning facts, also known as content, because once you’ve finished your degree you’ll either be looking those facts up, or you won’t need that knowledge again.
So if not content, what is it about?
It’s about working out what is required and having the skills to do exactly that.
So when you are given a Handbook, that’s really important. It’s not the boring thing about font sizes and spacing that you may think it is It may have referencing requirements, marking schemes, advice on submission and what to do with feedback.
And then it’s about reading everything else you’ve been given too. Instructions, notes, tips for writing, feedback on previous work - don’t take assignments as “stand alone” work; they build on each other.
The key here is to remember why you are writing the assignment. That you are not trying to change the world, you are trying to pass the module, in order to pass your degree, in order to get a good job that you are properly equipped for.
Employers expect graduates to write clearly and succinctly, to follow instructions, to ask when they aren’t sure; to do the job they are paid for.
And thats what you are learning as you take each module.